Some people could be so insensitive to others I can never imagine. I wonder if some people are left out of the evolution race.
Its 3 in the morning and I am up. Any normal person would be sleeping now and I would be sleeping now if for any other normal day. But this day isn't like any normal day. This day my bloody dumbass roommate decides to talk to his some bloody friend or family I do not care back in India. And when he is talking over phone he decides not to budge from his bed. Thats good things except that his bed is right next to mine. So he doesn't know when he is speaking, he is not only speaking to the microphone, he is yelling at my ears also. Bloody hell. My sleep is ruined. My day is starting up with I am super irritated and mighty pissed of at my roommate. He is truly a stupid guy. He is from some crappy university, which has 5 words in it and one word happens to be Purdue so he goes on telling everyone "I am from Purdue". Recently he met another proper Purdue university guy and when that guy asked which side of the university you stay, or your department etc and to which yours truly replies "Oh I am from actually so and so university" and the other guy tells him on his face "Dude, thats not Purdue".
One time he goes to the university to sort out his training thing and finish all the paper formalities and guess what he forgets to bring along to the university, his documents folder. The next morning he calls me from the university and tells me to scan his passport, I-20 and other documents. I am like what the hell man!!!! Who goes to a bar and forgets to bring along his Id (Yes, he has done that also).
Sometimes I really believe people cannot be this stupid but every time I look at my roommate and I get my proof. He is such a shame on human evolution. Moreover I am not talking about some guy from the shanties, some uneducated asshole who has not be told about manners etc because those can be stupid but if you are properly educated, had a family when growing up, were told about manners and common sense, and you applied to some US university (no matter how crappy the university is), one can atleast expect some sane thoughts and actions from you. Even after all these you still act dumb, well, you are an asshole and you rightly deserve to be someone's asshole.
At this time I remember one quote from Calvin&Hobbes because it so much suits the situation.
--The most difficult part of being a genius is that you have to put up with millions of morons around you.

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